Friday, October 8, 2010

quality time,...and Pip Update!

This week was a little quality time for Miss Sidney.  I notice that she is at her age in much better shape then Sarah was at the same (she will be 12 in March).  Now that things have calmed down here its time to make sure everyone gets there 2 cents worth and to keep her moving and active! 
Headed to Bolton Notch with Sidney in tow for some quality hiking.  She's a great hiker because she is not a big wander!

It was pretty wet and that means the off trails would be slippery so I stayed with the Rails to Trails piece.  We had a nice walk, got in some good exercise and Sidney was a happy girl! 

On the Pip front, we went to our first visit back to PT Debbie yesterday since her wrist surgery.  Deb said she felt that the knee was better.  I'm guessing because she was such restricted walking because of the wrist surgery.  And, she was actually able to do a 1/2 mile on the water treadmill correctly.  We tried it this time with me out of the picture - and she did much better - or perhaps in general she is feeling better.  I know she got a nice bit of exercise because she slept in the car for a bit on the way home and she NEVER sleeps in the car. 

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