Thursday, November 4, 2010

...............same ole' same ole'

no pictures, they would look the same, dog laying down with old peas on her leg, my toes in the picture or some other part of my body.  nothing new, she is doing well but I know already tired of the process.  today is a treat since it is raining.  not that I mind the rain but she actually doesn't like it much, it gets in her eyes!  follow up for staple removal in a week, perhaps that will step up the pace a little.  No limping, my biggest issue is the patch on her side, or the spot on her side where the pain patch was.  I think that some of the plastic is still on her skin and starting to peel a little but not really.  If I try to pull it she really resists so I'm guessing its uncomfortable - not sure what to do with it.  Have call into trust vet.  I thought it was like rug burn/road burn originally from the patch but now not so much.  Needs to go away I think but don't know how!  If she was a window I could use lighter fluid but I don't think that will work in this case,... yuck

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