Today, Pip and I went on a hike together. Traditionally, if I am hiking by myself and want to get Pip out, I just take her. She is easier to manage that way and I am more relaxed. We had a fantastic hike - over an hour. Pip had a great time wallowing around in slimey mud and sniffing the deer trails.
As we were headed back, about 10 minutes from where I parked, someone I could not see started yelling loudly - those of familar with yelling for our dogs would have recognized the sound, pitch and excitement in the womans voice. I look at Pip and too late, she has heard it also and is jazzed up, "where is it, what is it!!!" look on her face. I know it will be useless to try and get her or call her. I look around and I see this brown streak headed towards us and I realize a dog is coming full speed and it looks like a pitbull to me. Nothing I can do, I start looking around at something I can throw if I need to and start scrambling for my pepper spray. Pip and the pit run to each other, do a little side dance, no play bow but no hair up on Pippi's back and the woman is still calling and running. I take a big breath and turn around to leave and Pip follows me! Leaves the other dog and comes with me. Unfortunately the other dog, who's name is Mica follows us as well. I turn back around and head back towards the woman so she can get her dog. She apologizes for scaring us and for her dog running.
I'm happy to say I tell her no problem, I was actually very happy with the outcome and with what did not happen - I leash Pip up and off we go. I had to keep her on a leash to the car as she kept zipping off looking for her new "friend".
Whats the big deal? I didn't scream or yell for Pip, I didn't panic, I in fact did not say a SINGLE WORD until I had her leashed up and then it was praise. Pip had no over the top reaction and in fact was more then comfortable to say hi and then on her own come back to me. Now, would I suggest that we should have hung around for a while and let the dogs play? No, I'm fairly sure but not positive that it might have gone down hill after that - but if I can manage and survive initial encounters like this and move on - I am so far ahead of the game!!!
A good day for all,.................