Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Izzy Adjustment Period

Our new cat "Izzy" is adjusting well. Too well perhaps since she has now turned into a frisky never predictable kitten that you just never know where you will find her. Last night we heard a noise in the kitchen and went to investigate, looked all around, nothing. I see that Lucy is looking up with a very curious expression on her face, there is Izzy on top of the kitchen wall cabinets, in other words she is about 4 inches from the ceiling. Have no idea how she got there, well, I know she jumped, but would have loved to see that. We removed the glassware that she was sitting amongst for management sake.......

Izzy and Lucy are coming to an understanding as can be seen by the picture. Best when Lucy is tired, she was exhausted this particular day. Its fun to see them figure each other out. No one else really cares about her and Lucy is getting more used to her, still, the "chase" is the most fun........... In the basement, we see that Wookie, our other cat, has come to terms. Dinner time, Izzy runs around the basement leaping over Wookie like she was some moving leap frog.

Its fun, everyone should get a kitten, keeps you on your toes. We've gotten much better at picking up stuff from the counter and putting things away, otherwise we find them on the floor the next morning.

Perhaps I'll get better at laundry also, but I doubt it!

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