Monday, February 22, 2010

Waiting,..........cuteness a must

Its me, I know, but sometimes I think my dogs are just the best. I've been picture crazy a little bit, must be the winter blues or spring dreaming. Both Pippi and Lucy are the "girly" dogs. And oddly enough they do many similar things, like this cute little pose,.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Izzy and her labrador friends

Izzy is very comfortable in a house of 5 dogs. My quest has been to get pictures of all of the dogs with Izzy. Everyone's here except for my oldest girl, Sarah. Sarah does not get on the ottoman and that seems to be the favorite spot.
Izzy and Sidney

Izzy and Lucy

Izzy and Zenny

Izzy and Pippi

And there's always just Izzy,.......

Zenny and his new Job,......

Zenny has a new therapy dog job. He is going to be the Hebron Library Children's Story Hour guest. Today was his third visit to the library and his first official visit to the Children's Story Hour. Zenny met about 8 kids and listened to 2 books about frogs. The folks at the Hebron library really enjoy him and he did very well for his first visit with lots of stimulation of the kids petting him, running around, etc. There was a bit of reading and then a project for the kids. The kids loved him!

We really enjoyed ourselves and have been invited back. Can't wait!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Play Time at Otto's House

The swirling mass below are Zenny and Lucy playing with their german shepherd friend Otto. Otto lives about 5 minutes from our house and his owners have the awesome luck of living at the back of Bolton Notch and state property. Out the back yard, up a path and into the hiking woods we go. Otto gets an opportunity to hang and play with other dogs since he lives in a house of humans and Zenny and Lucy get an opportunity to play with him as well. Otto's humans fenced in their yard, a wonderful thing I must say, so before and after our hike they can play safely. Its an awesome opportunity and I am very thankful to Joanne and Ron for letting me take hikes from their house.

Zenny and his new therapy job

No pictures to show as of yet, but Zenny will be starting a new job in his therapy role. We will be joining a children's library reading group. We went last week to meet the children's coordinator and to introduce Zenny to the library and the environment. He was quite a hit. Zenny also met a hamster names Lewis - he wasn't quite sure what to do about that. So, in his usual Zenny fashion, he took a good sniff, stepped backwards a few steps, and lay down. When in doubt, walk away!